Blind flight OFF.

Engine ON.

Your engine for systematised LinkedIn Sales. Win customers. Directly on LinkedIn. Without time-consuming content creation.

What is the SSC?

The Social Selling Cockpit is a software developed by LinkedIn marketing consultants that manoeuvres you safely, directly and without detours into the hearts of your customers.

The good news:

All your customers are already on LinkedIn

The good news:

You are active on LinkedIn every day.

The good news:

LinkedIn is the world's largest B2B platform. Also in German-speaking countries.

The bad news:

You are currently miles away from getting the most out of LinkedIn.

CURRENTLY nobody is interested in YOU, YOUR content or YOUR offer.

What good is the biggest B2B platform if you currently have no idea how to effectively win customers with it?

You have two options:

Option #1

You carry on as before. In other words, flying blind.

Option #2

Try the Social Selling Cockpit today

and start to acquire customers systematically for the first time.

Directly on LinkedIn.
All without time-consuming content creation.

Social. Selling. Cockpit.

blind flight off.

triebwerk on.

Your engine for systematised LinkedIn sales

Win customers, directly on LinkedIn.

Without time-consuming content creation

Never ask again what you have to do next and when

No more to-do lists and Excel

No 20 programmes and add-ons - ONE single TOOL

A concrete roadmap. Step by step

Never lose sight of a potential customer again

Result: High-quality appointments

Regular updates

Planned updates:

  • CRM Update
  • ChatGPT Update
  • and much more.

Aktuell sind wir schon mit den ersten Piloten abgehoben.

Und sei beim nächsten mal direkt von Anfang an mit dabei!


No, because that's exactly what the Social Selling Cockpit is all about. A cockpit for all your social selling tasks on LinkedIn

Everything is taken over cleanly and clearly by the Social Selling Cockpit

Dafür haben wir einen Algorithmus gebaut, der dich immer auf dem Laufenden hält. Kein potenzieller Kunde geht mehr verloren.

Dein Vertrag endet automatisch. Du kannst jedoch einen neuen Vertrag abschließen, ohne dass dein Workflow verloren geht.

We recommend LinkedIn Premium as it offers valuable insights. However, it is not absolutely necessary to use the Social Selling Cockpit successfully.

LinkedIn offers a public API (Application Programming Interface) for data exchange.
At the same time, LinkedIn prohibits the use of third-party software.

In practice, we have tested various tools for years without any serious consequences.

LinkedIn can only restrict access in the event of excessive and rapid activity. (Bots)

The Social Selling Cockpit places the absolute focus on avoiding such restrictions.

No, the Social Selling Cockpit is not a bot. We show you exactly what you can do to win customers and help you to reduce unnecessary tasks.

Wenn du deine LinkedIn-Aktivitäten auf das Wesentliche konzentrierst und dabei deine Prioritäten nie aus den Augen verlierst, ja

The crew behind the
Social Selling Cockpit.

Michael Witkowski

LinkedIn Marketing Experte

Luis Kugel

Chief Technology Officer

Florin Große

Front-End Developer

Sandro Lusicic

Sales Manager
